
American Society of Addiciton Medicine

91视频 Criteria Copyright and Permissions

91视频 Criteria Copyright and Permissions

How to Seek Permission for Using The 91视频 Criteria

Healthcare Providers

Provider permission agreements will be reasonably priced to cover the costs of the permissions program. For more information about the purpose of the permissions program, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.


States & Other Public Entities

ASAM's  Fair Use guidelines allow states to use The 91视频 Criteria in laws, regulations, and policies free of charge and with no permission agreement. Providing education on The 91视频 Criteria, including basic introductory training, falls within fair use and does not require a permissions agreement. Providing more in-depth training, including activities that support the development of the knowledge and skills required to implement The 91视频 Criteria, does require a permission agreement. This permission agreement is available to states free of charge and allows state employees to provide The 91视频 Criteria training or technical assistance.  .


ASAM manages the administration of requests for permission for publishers and authors, with the exception of Wolters Kluwer books.

Payers & Managed Care Entities

The 91视频 Criteria®  is the nation’s most respected, comprehensive, and widely used set of guidelines for matching patients to the right level of care based on the severity of their disease and their multidimensional needs. The common language and universal standards set by The 91视频 Criteria establish a framework to help payers and healthcare systems ensure they are offering the full continuum of care to meet patients’ needs.

ASAM provides licensing agreements to payers and managed care entities for the use of The 91视频 Criteria in utilization review.

Through the licensing agreement, ASAM provides access to an electronic version of The 91视频 Criteria. The electronic version reflects the original layout and pagination of the hardcopy book  and has additional features including “copy and paste” to allow utilization review staff to use portions of the electronic document when issuing medical necessity decisions or recommending treatment or services ,and search using keywords.

The license granted is limited to the number of end-users and covered lives specified in the licensing agreement.

ASAM has also developed a clinical summary of The 91视频 Criteria that managed care companies can license and post on their website to help meet regulatory requirements associated with making medical necessity criteria available to the public. A copy of the summary can also be shared with a third party, including the State, interested in knowing the clinical standards a payer or managed care organization uses while adjudicating claims.


For educational uses outside of the Fair Use guidelines, please complete the educators permissions request form and provide additional information on educational usage. 

Training Vendors

ASAM provides licensing agreements to individuals or organizations interested in providing training on The 91视频 Criteria

More information

Technology Vendors

ASAM now offers permission agreements to technology vendors that wish to incorporate The 91视频 Criteria into their platforms. Permission agreements will allow technology vendors to:

  • Incorporate unmodified content from The 91视频 Criteria into their technology (e.g. text, charts, figures, etc.).
  • Develop fill-able forms to help clinicians capture information related to the 6 dimensions or ASAM levels of care (the language in these forms must come directly from The 91视频 Criteria text).
  • Incorporate tables from the book and make them fill-able.

Please note permission agreements will not allow:

  • Any decision support based on The 91视频 Criteria.

ASAM will review permission requests from technology vendors on a case-by-case basis.

Additional permissions are not required for  of the 91视频 CONTINUUM software. However, permission would be required to incorporate additional content from  The 91视频 Criteria (i.e., content not related to multidimensional assessments).